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Thresholds of Descent

   A seasonal group exploration of the cycles of death and regeneration.


Did you notice?  The light changed, just a spoonful of honey added to the air and a touch more crackle of dried plants when walking through the woods.  So many thresholds.  Seasonal yes, but also perhaps more permanent, some say we are at a threshold of deciding if our species will continue.  Grief rituals and workshops abound for the many thresholds of death we have already witnessed in other species, beautiful places and natural resources.  Thresholds where global chaos seems just a breath away.  And now the threshold of descent, into winter, into the underworld, into the fallow dreamtime of the Earth. 

What awe and wonder might await us if we turned, wide eyed, towards the descent?

Image by Cristina Gottardi

Ritual & Myth 

Guided by the well known myths and archetypes of the season we will explore our personal relationship with death and the descent to the underworld.  We will practice creating meaningful rituals and ceremonies in times of chaos and destruction. 

Image by Shifaaz shamoon

Wide Eyed With Wonder

How might it look to face death and destruction with laughter and joy along with the grief?  What does it mean to "bring a good death" to something (or someone)?

Support will be tailored to the groups needs and requests in regards to these themes.

Image by Boris  Smokrovic

Collective Support 

This container is held with the understanding that we are not meant to do some things alone.  That we are not isolated individuals acting on a static background, but dynamics players inside a scenario.  We will explore using plant (and other natural) allies, as well as mutual aid strategies, to go into the metaphorical underworld of winter with presence and a gleam in our eyes.

Space is limited reserve your spot now 

This will be a limited size closed group for the duration of the program.  You will have access to a private Facebook group and as much e-mail support as needed.  Group members will also receive a discount on any private coaching sessions they  might choose to schedule.

We are able to offer scholarship and work trade (for locals) so please reach out if finances prohibit you from signing up.

Cost and Logistics 

Where:  Zoom or Live in Everson WA
When: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Every other Thursday evening beginning September 21st 2023 and ending December 28th 2023 

Dreaming Earth Ministries is located in Coast Salish Territory on Planet Earth 

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